What are they? Which style am I? Why is it important? How does therapy help? ,Have you ever wondered why some people are insecure and anxious in relationships, whilst others are distant, cold and withdrawn?
It could be down to Attachment Styles. Attachment Styles are patterns of behaviour that develop in childhood in response to how the child is cared for and responded to, by their parents or caregivers, as well as experiences and events throughout childhood and adolescence, including experiences at school. These patterns of behaviour continue into adulthood and can determine how we behave in intimate relationships. Broadly speaking, in adults, there are 3 main attachment styles. What is 'Attachment'?Attachment is the way we form emotional bonds with those close to us. We are born evolutionally primed to attach to our caregivers to ensure survival. If all goes well in childhood and adolescence, we are made to feel safe and secure and our feelings are noticed, taken seriously and understood enough of the time, then we form secure attachments to our caregivers.
Secure attachment enables us to grow up to be healthy, well -functioning adults, with a positive view of our self and we have healthy, mutually satisfying relationships with those around us. |
AuthorRosie Waters - Counsellor and Attachment focused therapist ArchivesCategories